Redes de Franquias


11/10/2021 16:36

REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT - Regional Development and the Institutional Environment for Franchise Chains: Frontiers of Small and Medium-sized Cities

Purpose: The purpose of this research is to understand and identify the various characteristics of the institutional environment, and the factors that propitiate the attraction of franchise chains to cities in the interior.   Design/methodology/approach: Secondary data from the Brazilian...
11/10/2021 17:22

MICRO-FRANCHISE - Franchisor Support and Brand Value Empowerment of Micro-Franchisees: A Brazilian Market Perspective

Purpose: The purpose of this research is to understand the relationship between franchisee support and brand value in micro-franchise chains. This study aims to understand the importance of value delivery in the support to the micro-franchisee aiming at increasing brand...
25/06/2021 11:01

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS - Institutional Environment and Internationalization of Franchise Chains: A Regional and Global Analysis

Purpose: In this study we identify how formal institutional environments in destination countries matter to franchise chains as they internationalize. The institutional environment of the destination countries of franchise chains is characterized according to three institutional dimensions...
18/01/2021 14:01

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS - Does origin matter? The impact of the institutional environment of the origin country on the internationalization of franchise chains

  Purpose: The purpose of this research is to identify how the country of origin of the franchise chain impacts its commitment in the destination countries, verifying the institutional particularities between the chains from emerging and developed countries.   Methodology: The research is...
08/09/2020 18:20

REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT - Regional Development and Institutional Environment for Franchise Chains: Regional Expansion of Franchise Chains in Brazil

1. Purpose This paper aims to analyze attractiveness of the markets in the inland of Brazil to franchise chains based on the characteristics of institutional environment, referring to the socioeconomic, geographical, and human resources dimensions.   2. Originality/value Interiorization is a...
08/10/2017 21:34

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS - Latin American Franchise Internationalization: The Impact of Institutional Environment

We analyze the internationalization of Brazilian franchise chains in Latin America. A total of 119 observations verify international commitment in each country in relation to institutional environment factors and how they are moderated by chain size and industry. The results show that, despite all...
28/04/2015 12:06

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS - Internationalization of Brazilian Franchise Chains: A Comparative Study

The  primary goal of this  paper is to comprehend the fundamental organizational differences between Brazilian franchise chains that only operate in the home market and Brazilian franchise chains that operate internationally. . The sample chosen for this study comprehends 96 Brazilian...
26/03/2015 18:58

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS - International Analysis of the Countries where Brazilian Franchise Chains Operate

This paper aims to demonstrate which external environment factors are involved in the international commitment of Brazilian franchise chains. Our objectives herein are to understand which external country characteristics lead to international franchising operations and to ascertain the...
14/02/2020 13:00

MICRO-FRANCHISE - Socio-economic Determinants of Support and Brand Value Perception: A Survey of Microfranchisees

For more than ten years the franchising industry has been growing in Brazil. In this market segment are the microfranchises to act as a franchise whose initial investment amount is up to US$ 26,000.00. The purpose of this study is to verify if there is variation in the perceived value of...
08/12/2017 10:33

MICRO-FRANCHISE - Brazilian Microfranchising Chains: Entrepreneurs’ Backgrounds and Perceptions of Brands and Support

The article aims to analyse how microfranchisees backgrounds influence their perceptions of franchisors’ support and the brand. Based on the theory of entrepreneurship and the elements of franchise support and brand, we conducted a qualitative field study utilising the case study method...


30/01/2020 19:52

MICRO-FRANCHISE - Microempreendedores em Redes de Franquias: Comparação de Valor entre Gêneros

Este estudo tem como objetivo comparar a percepção quanto ao suporte e à marca de microfranquias entre empreendedores femininos e masculinos. Adotou-se o método de pesquisa quantitativa, a coleta foi realizada pela aplicação de um survey com 148 microfranqueados associados à Associação...
26/02/2019 20:17

MICRO-FRANCHISE - Percepção de Valor do Composto de Marketing pelo Prisma do Microfranqueado

O objetivo deste artigo é verificar se há variação na percepção de valor do microfranqueado quanto ao composto de marketing oferecido pelo franqueador em razão da sua faixa etária e verificar se, no período que compreende a passagem de gerações, ocorreu alguma mudança na percepção de valor dos...
22/11/2018 12:14

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS - Processo Decisório na Estratégia de Internacionalização das Redes de Franquias Brasileiras Internacionalizadas

O sistema de franquias apresentou, nos últimos anos, um alto grau de crescimento. Isso pode ser visualizado por meio dos dados divulgados pela Associação Brasileira de Franquias (ABF), tendo registrado um crescimento de 4,5% no período de 2014 a 2015. Entretanto, ainda que o mercado nacional tenha...
01/11/2018 10:37

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS - Legal Environment of the Destination Countries of Internationalized Brazilian Franchise Chains

Motivated by globalization, the internationalization of Brazilian franchise chains to emerging countries has grown in recent decades. This internationalization provided opportunities for expansion for companies in this segment through business in foreign markets. The objective of this article is to...
24/04/2018 13:24

METHANALYSIS - Metanálise sobre Publicação Nacional e Internacional em Internacionalização de Redes de Franquias

O objetivo desta pesquisa reside em realizar uma metanálise envolvendo o exame de publicações em periódicos brasileiros e internacionais sobre o tema de internacionalização de redes de franquias. A contribuição acadêmica desta metanálise consiste em apresentar o desenvolvimento teórico do tema...
14/12/2017 14:20

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS - Redes de Franquias Estrangeiras e Domésticas em um Mercado Emergente: Análise Comparativa

O artigo tem como objetivo analisar as diferenças existentes no processo de constituição das redes de franquias estrangeiras que atuam no mercado brasileiro e as redes de franquias domésticas brasileiras. Este processo compreende a instalação, a manutenção e a expansão das redes. A revisão teórica...
08/12/2017 10:33

MICRO-FRANCHISE - Brazilian Microfranchising Chains: Entrepreneurs’ Backgrounds and Perceptions of Brands and Support

The article aims to analyse how microfranchisees backgrounds influence their perceptions of franchisors’ support and the brand. Based on the theory of entrepreneurship and the elements of franchise support and brand, we conducted a qualitative field study utilising the case study method...
08/10/2017 21:34

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS - Latin American Franchise Internationalization: The Impact of Institutional Environment

We analyze the internationalization of Brazilian franchise chains in Latin America. A total of 119 observations verify international commitment in each country in relation to institutional environment factors and how they are moderated by chain size and industry. The results show that, despite all...
10/01/2017 16:40

GOVERNANCE - Atendimento dos Interesses do Stakeholder Franqueado e sua Relação com o Desempenho Financeiro em Redes de Franquias

O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar a relação entre o atendimento do stakeholder franqueado e o desempenho financeiro da franquia. Para isso, foram propostas duas hipóteses de pesquisa, argumentando-se que tanto o suporte quanto a marca podem representar o atendimento dos interesses...
05/06/2016 18:17

MICRO-FRANCHISE - Antecedentes Pessoais de Microfranqueados da Cidade de São Paulo

O modelo de microfranquia é recente dentro do sistema de franchising, tendo como característica principal o baixo investimento inicial. Atualmente, destaca-se no mercado brasileiro, junto às pessoas da classe emergente, que buscam o seu próprio negócio. É crescente o número de pessoas que escolhem...

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Pedro Lucas de Resende Melo São Paulo/SP - Brasil